Everything about scaling teeth
تاریخ: ۲۳ آذر ۱۳۹۹ dr etemadifar
Are you conscious when you smile? Trying to avoid the teeth being captured or seen while smiling due to plaque? Tooth scaling is the best treatment to have picture perfect smile and whiten the teeth.
Tooth scaling is a simple treatment and is availed by many people. Still we have seen many people don’t know its basics and have many questions like is scaling good for teeth, benefits of teeth scaling, how long does teeth scaling take, is teeth scaling necessary, why scaling of teeth is done etc. Before availing a treatment its paramount that you have proper information about the treatment.
In this article, we will answer all these questions.
Teeth cleaning • What is or why the scaling of teeth is done?
جرم گیری دندان یا تمیز کردن دندان روشی است که برای از بین بردن Plaques and sediments It is also used as a useful method to prevent Periodontal diseases نیز شناخته می شود. دلایل زیادی برای ایجاد پلاک وجود دارد مانند غذاهای بدون قند ، تکنیک های مسواک زدن نادرست ، مایعات رنگی ، مراقبت از دهان ضعیف و غیره. درمان جرم گیری باعث از بین رفتن لکه های قهوه ای یا بافت مایل به زرد که روی دندان های شما ایجاد شده است، و یا حتی برخی از مواد چسبنده سفید می شود .
How long does teeth scaling take?
The duration of the teeth scaling treatment is not very long as it typically needs half an hour to an hour to complete. A comfortable dental chair will be available, and you must lie down on it for the complete procedure relaxing.
Is teeth scaling necessary?
بیماریهای لثه از بیماری های بسیار شایع است که در اثر تجمع باکتری در دهان ایجاد می شود. یک محیط مستعد در دهان بوسیله رسوب و مواد غذایی ایجاد می شود که به رشد باکتری ها در داخل دهان کمک می کنند، و باعث ایجاد عوارض بعدی می شود.
. Gum Diseases If suffering from gingivitis, then it’s a perfect treatment to opt for. If the gum disease is at an advanced stage, teeth scaling, and root planning is a prerequisite before going in for a surgery.
Can dental scaling damage teeth/can scaling damage teeth?
There is a myth about teeth scaling which relates to teeth weakening and movement in the teeth. There is no truth in it as your teeth doesn’t get feeble or fragile after the teeth scaling treatment. There could be movement in the teeth but its not due to scaling but due to the removal of plaque and tartar which has been there from a long time.
گاهی اوقات بیمار ممکن است شکاف هایی بین دندانهایش داشته باشد و رسوبات و پلاک ها در آنجا جمع شوند و ناگهان پس از برداشتن آنها ممکن است احساس شود که شکاف جدیدی به دلیل جرم گیری دندان ایجاد شده است اما این طور نیست.
Some people may experience sensitivity issue post treatment, but this can be addressed with a sensitivity toothpaste. Within 24 to 48 hours you will feel normal.
All being well you are well guaranteed now about the doubt of can scaling damage your teeth. The answer is straight NO and instead will make you teeth stronger
Can scaling whiten teeth?
Yes, to any extend it will help you to whiten your teeth as all debris is removed from your teeth and a whitening treatment after that will you best result.
آیا جرم گیری دندان خوب است یا بد ؟ و آیا آسیبی به مینای دندان وارد می شود؟
این سوء تفاهم که جرم گیری بد است اشتباه است. از هزینه های بیشتر دندانپزشکی در بلند مدت جلوگیری می کند . به شما کمک می کند تا رسوبات از بین روند و مراقبت های بهداشتی بیشتری از دهان انجام دهید.جرم گیری به نوبه خود عمر بیشتری به دندان های شما می بخشد و شما را در معرض مشکلات عمده دندانپزشکی قرار نخواهد داد.
مینای دندان یکی از سخت ترین قسمتهای بدن هست در جرم گیری به جرم ها اعمال تنش می شود یا آنها را از بین ببرد. بنابراین هیچ گونه آسیبی به مینای دندان وارد نمی شود.
The misunderstanding that scaling is bad is wrong but to precise scaling is not all bad. It has many paybacks in longer duration. It will help you to get rid of tartar and maintain good oral health care. This will in turn give a longer life to your teeth and you will not be subjected to major dental issues. So, the question of is scaling bad for teeth is negative and as well as people doubt that is scaling of teeth safe and the answer here too is affirmative. The scaling of the teeth is completely safe although you may experience some discomfort post treatment depending upon the case but its very minor which is very easy to recover like sensitivity.
benefits of teeth scaling:
1. Avoid cavities and tooth decay:
پوسیدگی و حفره های دندان، نقطه شروع هرگونه مشکل اساسی دندان هستند ، بنابراین جرم گیری دندان ها شما را برای پیشگیری از این موارد آماده می کند. حفره ها برای پلاکها و مواد غذایی میزبان می شوند و به لایه مینای دندان که سخت ترین قسمت دندان شما ست، آسیب می رسانند. بنابراین ، تصور کنید چه آسیب بیشتری می توانند به دندانها وارد کنند! پلاک ها ماده ای چسبنده و سفید هستند که روی دندان شما رسوب می کنند . مراجعه به دندانپزشک برای جرم گیری هر ۶ ماه یکبار و حذف پلاکها، در کنار بهداشت دهان و دندان مناسب مانند مسواک زدن دو بار در روز و نخ دندان به سلامت همیشگی دندان شما کمک خواهند کرد.
2. Prevent Periodontal disease:
Plaque is the culprit for many problems so it will also impair your gums if it has developed beneath the gumline. This can further lead to tooth lose. Teeth scaling or cleaning, will guard your gumline which is a strong anchor to your teeth and maintain overall good oral care.
3. Remove stains
Consuming tea, coffee, coloured liquids, wine or tobacco causes tinges on the teeth. It helps you to remove all these pigments from and on your teeth and retain a happy smile and to some extent whiten the teeth.
4. Prevent bad breadth:
Plaque being the cause of many dental issues traps the bacteria and develops into tartar a hard substance on the teeth and this will result into halitosis or bad breath. With the help of daily brushing and flossing you will see partial results and to completely get rid of the bad breath scaling is necessary. The removal of all bacteria, stains, tartar, plaque will freshen up your mouth.
5. Save money on restorative dentistry:
There are many reasons why people don’t go for a regular teeth scaling or cleaning and one of them is to save the cost but to your surprise the cost of teeth cleaning is far less than the condition developed devoid of regular teeth scaling as it aggravates the dental issues. In such a scenario, you will have to shell out more money for restorative dentistry or treat the periodontal disease. Preventive is always better than cure, so teeth scaling is a part of preventive care and helps to keep many dental issues at bay.
At Dr. Etemadifar Clinic, dental scaling is performed professionally.
How to scaling teeth: